Bitcoin Memes: Everything You Need To Know
Memes will always be abundant in the crypto community, no matter the situation. However, cryptocurrency and bitcoin, in particular, have had such an extreme impact on popular culture that it’s developed an entire category of memes. Let’s explore the origins of 10 popular bitcoin memes.
The ‘This Is Good for Bitcoin’ Meme
When news related to bitcoin’s development was posted in the Reddit subreddit /r/bitcoin, “This is good for bitcoin” was a typical comment. Over time, the phrase took on a more ironic meaning, referring to both positive and negative aspects of bitcoin.
The meme makes fun of the perpetually positive outlook that bitcoin enthusiasts often have, no matter what happens to the cryptocurrency.
The ‘Bart Pattern’ Crypto Meme
This candlestick pattern is named after The Simpsons’ troublemaker Bart Simpson. Unfortunately, it’s common knowledge that the Bart pattern only exists in crypto due to the lack of liquidity, especially when compared with traditional markets.
During quiet sessions, Bart patterns can emerge with a big spike, small price consolidations, and another spike of similar magnitude. This pattern perfectly mimics Bart Simpson’s spiky hairdo and makes the perfect bitcoin meme.
The ‘BitConnect Carlos’ Crypto Meme
Pattaya, Thailand, hosted BitConnect’s first (and only) annual ceremony on Oct. 28, 2017. Investor Carlos Matos presented and enthusiastically testified about BitConnect during the event. With exuberant yells of “Bitcooooonect!” and “Wassup!” the presentation demonstrated how Q4 2017 became a bull market. Many versions of this meme exist, all tied together with images of Matos’ passionate gesturing and posing.
The ‘Bogdanoff Twins’ Meme
Twin brothers Igor and Grichka Yourievitch Bogdanoff (also spelled Bogdanov) were TV presenters, producers, and scientific essayists. There have been controversies involving the two — most notably the Bogdanov affair, in which their scientific methods were questioned — but their personalities, family background, and appearance made for plenty of internet discussion.
An ironic meme was born in December 2016, when users of the 4chan website facetiously suggested the twins were influential in French politics. From alien contact to possessing psychic abilities to discovering the Ark of the Covenant, it seems the twins had done it all. But did they have such a wide sphere of influence that they could destroy bitcoin’s market cap with a phone call? As far as the internet was concerned, yes.
The twins passed away from COVID-19, Grichka on Dec. 28, 2021, and Igor just six days later. They were 72.
The ‘Green Wojak’ Crypto Meme
It’s derived from the popular Wojak meme, also known as “Feels Guy.” Initially, Wojaks were simple black-outline drawings of bald men meant to express regret and loneliness.
Green Wojak, Wojak’s green-tinted version, represents the optimism among crypto investors and those who stand to benefit financially from their investments.
As with all memes, there’s a heavy sense of irony. The green tint represents a possibility of wealth based on the investment made by the traditionally “inferior” and “nerdy” Wojak character.
The ‘Pink Wojak’ Bitcoin Meme
Pink Wojaks, in contrast to their green counterparts, represent the crushing regret and self-hatred of investors in cryptocurrency. Often, Pink Wojak is shown with bleeding eyes for dramatic effect.
The Pink Wojak meme usually includes downward spiral graph indicators that often go into the character’s eyeballs for an even more dramatic effect.
The ‘Hodl’ Bitcoin Meme
“Hodl,” a misspelled version of the word “hold,” has become a famous phrase in the crypto community. Hodl refers to remaining invested in crypto and not selling, especially as prices plummet. In response to the term’s popularity, “hold on for dear life” has been adopted as a backronym.
The Hodl meme has been combined with other pop culture memes such as a photo of Leonardo DiCaprio in The Great Gatsby and the “Keep Calm and Carry On” British meme.
The ‘Funds Are Safu’ Crypto Meme
Changpeng Zhao (known as CZ), CEO of crypto exchange Binance, tweeted to users during unscheduled maintenance: Funds are safe. Consequently, CZ frequently began using the phrase “Funds are safe” to ensure users knew their funds were secure.
A content creator named “Bizonacci” uploaded a video on YouTube titled “Funds Are Safu” on May 19, 2018. A viral meme was created from the video. Community members began using the phrase “Funds are safu” instead of “Funds are safe.”
This meme can incorporate various popular culture characters, including Mr. Bean and Yoda from Star Wars.
The ‘Money Printer Go Brrr’ Bitcoin Meme
To assist a COVID-battered economy, the Federal Reserve printed $2.3 trillion in April 2020, leading to the meme “Money Printer Go Brrr.”
Longtime bitcoin believers, who saw the intervention as proof that monetary policy was out of control, were particularly drawn to the meme, depicting Wojaks as central bankers creating an endless supply of dollars.
The ‘It’s Over 9,000’ Bitcoin Meme
A popular anime series called Dragon Ball Z inspired this particular phrase. Vegeta asks Nappa about Goku’s power level in “The Return of Goku.” Nappa is dumbfounded as Vegeta angrily repeats, “It’s over 9,000!” As bitcoin prices approached and broke through $9,000, the meme became popular outside the crypto community.
The ‘Sminem’ Bitcoin Meme
Initially inspired by a photo of Roman Zuev wearing a shirt with rapper Eminem’s name misspelled as “Sminem” and then shared on the Russian internet and Reddit, Sminem became a meme on 4chan boards /int/ and /biz/. Zuev is also nicknamed “Elf” in Russia.
The original image was discovered in May 2014 on a Russian forum and went unnoticed until it reached the crypto community. Crypto enthusiasts began posting Sminem’s picture to forums and internet relay chat (IRC) channels toward the end of 2016. In addition to being featured in multiple YouTube videos and subreddits, Sminem found a home among bullish traders.
The meme is essentially irreverent and could have various meanings depending on the context.
The ‘Not a Lambo’ Bitcoin Meme
The Lamborghini brand is associated with flashiness and testosterone. So “Lambo” was quickly adopted into crypto slang, which wasn’t surprising. Every time a new coin was launched, “When Lambo?” was asked, meaning “When can I afford a Lamborghini after investing in the coin?”
In Lambo culture, “Not a Lambo” signifies non-Lambo items purchased with cryptocurrency. Depending on the article, it can be expensive or ironic.
It’s incredible to think that bitcoin has come far enough to be incorporated into popular culture the way it has. Another milestone of bitcoins immersion into our everyday lives is that you can use bitcoin ATMs for your crypto transactions.
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